Monday, January 31, 2011

cny is abt my feel??is it a happy cny festival..?
i am happy tat get a new 1 hp from my bro..and while i am getting from my bro hand,my brain is coming many recollection..appear some scene tat my dad who pass away at august..
remember tat,he wan to buy a phone for me,but i decline it..coz tat i dun wn to add him pressure to buy for,i get this phone but i fall my dad..
missing my dad..may god bless him??will he remember still have a daughter who was damn missing him??i hope so

Saturday, January 15, 2011

going v babe frenz v them outgoing to terminal 2..a happy day^^every1 enjoy the killer game..007..hoho
really a nice trip..go c the new movie"great day"hole day laugh a lot n cry a lot..becoz of the movie..really a got movie.. like it^^